Thursday, October 18, 2012

Better late than never...

Wow, I cannot believe it is already the end of the 1st quarter!  I have been busier than ever this school year it seems.  Hopefully I can quickly get you caught up on this school year.

Here is a fast tour of my 1st grade classroom.

I have genre posters hanging in the back of the room.  For each story we read out of our reading book, I have an arrow point to the genre the story is from.
The back of our room has our job board, in the news board, holiday/season board, and our vocabulary board.  The cupboards have my classroom management system on them.  The kids start the day in the green pocket, if they get a warning they move to the yellow pocket, and if they actually get in trouble they move to the red pocket.

Back of the room
 The calendar area of the room is where we start each day.  The person with the calendar job gets to put the number on the calendar.  They also fill in the sentences I have written beside: Today is (fill in day of the week). Today is (fill in date). Today it is (draw a picture of the weather).  We also have straws to count the days we have been in school and the 100 chart.  Under the calendar area there are paw prints with numbers on them.  They also count the days we have been in school.

Calendar Area
The library area of my room is probably my favorite, although my students don't use it as often as I would like them too :( There is a listening center with books on CD, a bean bag, a comfy chair, holiday/seasonal books, and an easel. I love all of my books and they are all labeled for Accelerated Reader (which we just started this year).


On my closet doors I have a bunch of posters hanging.  There is a Reminder Board with all of our important things to remember throughout the week, Lost Tooth chart, Cafeteria Queen lunch menu, Top Banana aka Student of the Week, Hallway rules, how we get home from school, and a Reporting Vs. Tattling poster.

Closet Doors

Word Wall starting to fill up with new words!

Wild About Words

That's all I have time for now!  Off to a 5th/6th grade basketball game :)

~Ms. Anglin

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