Thursday, February 19, 2015

Odds and Ends

Just some odds and ends to report here.
She was sitting in my rocking chair reading a story she wrote to the class and it was just to cute not to take a picture!

The Desk Fairy comes to visit our classroom every once in a GREAT while.  I try to insist on keeping a neat desk, but not everyone listens!  When the desk fairy visits she looks for a clean desk with no garbage in it and all supplies put away nicely in the supply box.  The last time she visited she left treasures for 2 students.  And of course she left behind a trail of glitter!

In social studies we learned about land forms.  The night before, I decided to do this project! What was I thinking!?  For as little planning and time to get it ready, I think these landform flap book turned out great!

Signing off!

~Ms. Anglin

Love is in the air...

Valentine's Day was a great success here at school.  The first graders watched a movie with the rest of the lower elementary to start out the day.  At the end of the day we had our classroom party which consisted of treats, valentines, boxes, and sugar!!

Each year the elementary students at our school decorate a valentine box to have their valentines delivered to.  They are always so cute!

Constance and her robot

Amree and her butterflies

Avery and his cool painted container

Ella and her frozen mailbox

Alaina and her sparkly heart covered box

Kanyon and his boombox

Mason and his tank
Our writing and art project for Valentine's Day was about a love monster!  Each first grader had to list things and people they love and tell why.  Then they got to create love monsters.  This new project is a keeper!

These aren't from Valentine's Day, or even my idea.  These awesome snow globes were made in art class and are hung outside of our classroom.  They were too cute not to post!

February is almost over... WhAt ?!?!

~Ms. Anglin

100th Day of School!

Boy, did those first 100 days of school fly by!  I am only posting this on day 110, so I'm not that late, right?  We had a 100th day extravaganza in the first grade room this year.

Everyone dressed up like they were 100.  There were some awesome costumes. Hair was gray and white, faces were wrinkly, it was super!

I had seven centers set up around the room and each pair or group of students traveled around the classroom to do activities.  Once station was cutting out and coloring glasses in the shape of "100".  Then they had to take a picture holding our 100th day frame that says-- It's time to PARTY, you're a 100 day old smarty!

Another station was putting a 100 piece puzzle together.

Then they had to try to make a tower of 100 counters.

They counted out 100 beads to make a necklace.

They picked numbers out of a container and had to find and mark them on the 100 charts.

The worked hard for quite some time on making 100th Day crowns.  There were 10 white strips stapled to a headband.  They had to follow directions, placing 10 things on each strip, making 100 total.  They used stamps, hole punches, googly eyes, stickers, dots, jewels, sequins, numbers/letters, shapes, and glitter glue.  I think they turned out pretty cool!

We gathered with the Kindergarten and 2nd Grade classes to do some 100th Day activities also.  Here they are listening to a story.

Here they are walking 100 steps.  That is me leading them, I am a Red Hat lady ;)

Then they balanced on one foot for 100 seconds.
Kanyon balancing

Avery balancing

Constance balancing

Alaina balancing

Amree balancing

Ella balancing
Then they clapped 100 times.
Mason clapping
They got into groups and each had to dribble a basketball 100 times.  This is all such great counting practice!!
Avery dribbling

Amree dribbling

Kanyon dribbling

Alaina dribbling

Constance dribbling

Mason dribbling

Ella dribbling
To finish off our fun time everyone laid down for 100 seconds of rest!

Thank you 1st Graders, for an amazing 100 days!!

~Ms. Anglin