Monday, March 11, 2013

Luck o' the Irish

St. Patrick's Day is almost here, next weekend to be exact.  We have lively decorations up in our classroom and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Leprechaun.  At our school, the leprechaun often makes naughty apperances throughout the day.  However, we can never catch him!  I wonder if he will come since St. Patrick's Day is on a Sunday...

We decorated our bulletin board with our hand prints in all the colors of the rainbow.  They really had fun tracing each other's hands.  They were cut out when we were waiting inbetween classes.  I could have classed up the rest of the board... maybe next year :)

 I pieced this beautiful project together from different resources.  I think the hat was from a Mailbox article and I think I found the face on the internet.  Once the 2 pieces were colored and glued together the colorful tissue paper streamers were glued on.  They were cut about 1 1/2 inch wide.  They are haning from the ceiling and flutter when the heater turns on :)

Have a safe and lucky St. Patrick's Day!!

~Ms. Anglin