A high school student came in to our room to complete a project for FCCLA. The first graders made Eye-Spy bottles out of plastic pop bottles (recycling), wheat, and tiny objects. They filled the bottles with wheat and the itty bitty objects, shook it all up, and started spying things! The first graders always have a blast when they can work with the "big kids".

Here is everyone working so well together in their reading centers.
To prep for Easter we decorated paper eggs with shaving cream and paint. All swirled around like that, some of them looked like they were covered in toothpaste.
The Kindergarteners-3rd Graders got to go on an Easter egg hunt on the playground. For as long as it takes us to hide the eggs, it sure is amazing how fast they are all found!
The Elementary Student of the Month was our Georgia! She is such a great worker and proud recipient!
We celebrated Earth Day a little late since our weather was not cooperating. The entire school walked around town and picked up trash. They had the best "garbage sensing eyes" and collected plenty. Everyone was rewarded with ice cream treats donated by the grocery store.

~Ms. Anglin
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