Math has been full of hands on activities and technology this spring. We learned about adding a one digit number to a two digit number. We used cubes to help make this harder math a little bit easier. The first graders worked in pairs to practice cooperation, patience, and to make sure they were doing the math correctly!
We also measured a lot of things around the room. We practiced measuring and estimating with cubes, paper clips, and straws. Here the kids worked in partners measuring things around the room like my desk, a chair, the table, the window, and the globe. They used so much teamwork to complete this math, it was great!

Another awesome thing we got to do in math class was use the Osmos and iPads from our Makerspace. We were learning about shapes and had a workbook page EXACTLY like the program, so we got to do the tangram activity on the Osmo systems instead! It was so much fun!

So there was a quick Math recap from the past couple months. Everyone learned so much this year and should be so proud of themselves :)
~Ms. Anglin
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