Thursday, February 5, 2015

Science projects

Our last chapter in science was about space- my favorite chapter of all!!  The first graders learned about the sun, stars, moon, and the 8 planets.  They made their own constellations to hang in the hallway.  

Our January bulletin board featured shape penguins.  Each first grader picked a shape and created a penguin using it.  We had diamond, oval, circle, triangle, square, and rectangle shaped penguins.  They were very creative and had fun making these.

We had a presentation from our regional 4-H program iGrow Readers.  We had a very nice lady come read a story and do activities with the kindergarten and first grade classes.  The story was Llama Llama Mad at Mama.  After listening to the story they talked about grocery shopping, healthy food choices, and when to know you are full.  Then also did some relaxation stretches and yoga moves :)

For a couple days we had some bonus science time and learned about sink and float.  The first graders had to predict whether items were going to sink or float in my tub of water.  They got pretty good at this!  After we finished the items on our worksheets I let the students go around the room and find somethings to test.  Of course it had to be things that wouldn't get ruined in water.  

All of our items from day 1

All of our items from day 2
The last thing we tried was an orange.  It floated in the tub.  Then I peeled it and we made new predictions.  The orange sank without the peel.  The first graders decided the orange sank once it was peeled because the peel has a lot of air bubbles in it and that's what made it float in the first place.

After we finished all of our hands-on experimenting, the first graders started writing.  They wrote about what they observed.  Some told why things floated or sank.  Some listed the items that floated and sank.  Then they drew pictures to go along with the writing.  

Have a great day!

~Ms. Anglin

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