Thursday, September 19, 2013

4.5 weeks already??

I cannot believe today is the midterm of the 1st quarter!  It feels like we just started school last week.  We have been busy in the classroom lately though. 


We used the site to create shaped word clouds that told about us.  We included our names, ages, pets, favorite sport, food and game.  Then we picked our favorite shape.  I think they turned out pretty cool!  All of our art word gets hung under or above our name card that we made.  They show how each of us are different!

Before our art project.

During our art project.

Our finished products.  Beautiful sunflowers made with buttons.  They turned out so cute and each one is unique!
In Math we stared exploring addition and subtraction this week.  To help us remember the key words to look for in a number story we made a couple crafts.  Addition key words are in all, add, and plus.
All of our Addition Men hanging in the hallway.

Meet Addition Man!
 Introducing Subtraction Man!  His key words are: are left, take away, minus, and subtract.

Subtraction Man
All of the Subtraction Men hanging out.


In Social Studies we are working hard learning about rules, groups, and schools.  Here we are working on the SmartBoard and our workbooks.

See you next time!

~Ms. Anglin