We made Easter eggs for the hallway with paint and shaving cream. We put paint drops onto shaving cream and swirled it around with popsicle sticks. Then our eggs went into the mix. After sitting for a few seconds I scraped the mess off with a ruler (It's the best I had!)
The kids did a great job decorating eggs for our bulletin board. They each got an egg ouline and were told to decorate it however they wanted. Then they made a crack with their scissors anywhere they wanted on the egg. I used brass fasteners to hook the 2 parts together. A close up picture was then glued to the bottom part of the egg so it looks like the 1st graders are hatching. They loved making these and seeing themselves hatching out of the eggs. My class truly is 'egg'cellent :)
We will end our Easter celebration with a short video, It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown, and an Easter egg hunt with the rest of the lower elementary.
~Ms. Anglin