Friday, November 11, 2016

Animal overload!!

This chapter in science was about the different types of animals.  We learned about mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and insects.  One of the ways we studied the different types of animals was by using Topic Triangles.  The students had to match the animal type, a characteristic, and a picture to make a triangle.  

We made a turkey craft to hang in the hallway last week.  The turkeys are holding a peaceful protest...  They are trying to encourage people to "Save a Turkey, Eat More..." strawberries, burgers, cake, bratwursts, hot dogs, pizza, apples, ham, and mashed potatoes! 

Ava brought super show and tell again this week.  Her mom brought in 2 chickens and 5 baby chicks!  They were so cute and seemed happy with us.  There was a lot of chirping, from the chicks and kids :)

We ended the week with the Veterans Day Program at school.  Grades K-3 said the Pledge of Allegiance in front of the crowd at the beginning of the program.  

Have a great weekend!
~Ms. Anglin

November odds and ends

November is off to a great start!  The month started with a special show and tell/ Top Banana (my student of the week) guest.  Amanda's mom came and read a few books to us during our snack time.  These kiddos love story time.

Our character trait for November is Respect.  We learned that respect means treating others how you would like to be treated.  We wore yellow for respect.

The first graders are impressing me with their ability to quietly read to themselves for long stretches of time.  I love the fact that they can be captivated by a book and do not need anything else :)

In first grade we make our own flashcards to practice addition and subtraction facts 0 through 10.  I believe that writing the fact down can help some students remember them.  My main goal for these is memorization.  Here they are working on their +6 cards.

Every Monday when we learn new spelling words we do some exercises.  Here they are doing jumping jacks and push ups.  By the end of the year they will be big and strong, right? 

We had a very funny show and tell last week.  Flubber that makes funny noises when it gets squished down into the container.  They could not control the giggles!

For a Thanksgiving writing assignment, the first graders wrote about 3 things they are thankful for.  They were thankful for their moms and dads, cows, cars, church, school, houses, and of course their teacher.  I am thankful for each and everyone of these kiddos.  They sure do make my heart happy :)

Thanks for dropping by!
~Ms. Anglin

Thursday, November 3, 2016


We did a lot of fun things in October to celebrate Halloween.  We had fun with other classes, did art projects, and of course had a Halloween party!

At the beginning of the month I turned the class into witches and warlocks.  These are always a hit in the hallway!  Everyone did a great job watercolor painting the night background for this scene.  I then took their pictures in profile and turned them into silhouettes.

A table full of painters

I love how these actually look like each of the kids!
We recently partnered up with the 2nd graders to make Halloween hands.  We filled gloves with candy corn for nails then added popcorn to fill it out.  The finishing touch was a creepy spider ring.

The firsties decorated my bulletin board with their original ghosts.  We have ghosts with a bike, walking a dog, and wearing fancy clothes!

The high school Child Development class came to our room to do a Halloween craft with us.  They made such a cute Frankenstein out of Popsicle sticks!

Peyton with her finished Frankenstein

We finished out the month of October with Halloween (on a MONDAY)!  Everyone looked so good in their costumes!  Once we were dressed up we had some extra time so we played Witch Hat Ring Toss.  It turns out this game is much harder than it looks, but everyone still had fun.

Once everyone was ready, grades K-3 went trick or treating at the nursing home, assisted living, and high school.  They walked away with so much candy, it was almost unbelieveable.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween, I know these first graders did!
~Ms. Anglin