We celebrated the 100th day of school on Thursday. We all dressed up like how we think we will look when we are 100 years old. There were A LOT of old people in the elementary that day!
Yes, even the teachers joined in!
In our class, we made 100th day booklets. We drew 10 hearts, 10 stars, 10 snakes, 10 peace signs, 10, happy faces, 10 hats, 10 cherries, 10 eyeballs, 10 snowflakes, and 10 suns- that equaled 100 drawings! I hid 100 Hershey Kisses around the room and had everyone help find them. They were numbered on the bottom and then they had to be put in the right spot on the 100 chart. There are still 2 kisses missing, I seem to lose a couple every year for about a month :)
We also made glasses to celebrate. We took pictures inside a frame that say "It's time to party, I'm a 100 day old smarty".
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades are the classes that celebrate the 100th day of school in the best style! We get together in the gym and do fun activities together. This year we balanced on 1 foot for 100 seconds, took turns bouncing a ball 100 times, rested for 100 seconds, clapped 100 times, listened to a story about the 100th day of school, and walked 100 steps around the gym. We had so much fun together!
I'd better get going, this 100 year old lady is tired!
~Ms. Anglin