Monday, December 16, 2013

Science and SS galore!

It appears that I need to do a little catch up with Science and SS!  I forgot a couple things that we have done lately...

Last chapter in Science we learned about different kinds of animals.  Our final chapter project was making animal magnets.  We have horses, deer, a frog, a giraffe, and a dog-- oh my!

In SS last chapter we learned about needs and wants, transportation, jobs, tools, and saving money.  To learn more about needs and wants and to check for understanding the difference between the 2 we made needs and wants posters.  In groups the kids found things in magazines and had to decide if they were a need or a want. 

This chapter in Science we are learning about animal habitats, food chains, and how they stay safe.  We made a paper chain to demonstrate how a food chain actually works and is connected.  The parts of our food chain were the sun, grass, butterfly, dragonfly, frog, and heron. 

This chapter we also made animal habitat dioramas.  First the students had to choose a habitat from forest, safari, ocean, and polar regions.  Then they had to choose 2 animals and decorate the inside of their shoebox to look like the habitat they picked. 

We are learning our double facts in math.  I made this posters so there was a visual representation of the doubles.

Our Christmas concert was last week.  They all made me so proud!  They clean up pretty well huh?

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!

~Ms. Anglin

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas is creeping in!

I can't believe its almost Christmas!  We are in full Christmas mode here at school!  We are fortunate enough to be able to celebrate Christmas in our school, my heart goes out to those who can't.

We started the winter season off with a pretty good snow, even had a snow day!  Here they are all bundled up and ready to go play in all of that fresh snow.

The tree is up and finally all decorated!  We make some of the ornaments so that takes us a little bit to finish. 

We wrote stories explaining what we would do if we found Santa stuck in the chimney.  We had every solution from just pulling him out to crying to using a little soap and water.  This project always looks so cute hanging in the hallway!

I am not sure what happened but all of a sudden one day, the kids turned into tiny little elves.  Luckily I took their pictures before they turned into grown 1st graders again!  

We are counting down the days until Christmas in our room by making Santa's beard grow.  Every day someone glues a cotton ball on the date.  Every day we watch that big puffy beard grow and grow!

Our bulletin looks extra festive with our cute and very unique gingerbread cookies :)

I'll be posting the Christmas gifts that we are in the process of making after Christmas.. Have to keep it a secret! 

~Ms. Anglin